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Elliot Teel - because I live there now, and do not think I will match this guy's monumental quality.
Zave Smith - because he writes: I live on that ever changing intersection... - go on and read it on his site! Wow this makes one humble! Be sure to read some of his articles.


-een fotografenlog
-a photographer's log



by nature some of these links are volatile

Alexander Brattell - aka ZETETIC -The first Zetetics were the follower of the philosopher Pyrrho (c.365-275 B.C.E), generally regarded as the first Systematic Sceptic. He showed that by 'suspending judgement', by confining oneself to 'phenomena' or 'objects as they appear', and by 'asserting nothing definite' as to how they really are, one can escape the perplexities of life and attain an 'imperturbable peace of mind'. To this end he assembled arguments showing that things-in-themselves are 'indistinguishable, imponderable and
indeterminable'. What a dude!

Hints of Cartier Bresson and lots of Kertesz! Great photography.
Check out this project: London 10x8

Wolfgang Tillmans, the first German-born artist, and first photographer, ever to be awarded Britain's prestigious Turner Prize, has become, in recent years, "Mr. Zeitgeist," as the German magazine "ART" has called him. His photographs are glimpses of life. (BBC)
Tate Modern June 2003 - his first monographic museum exhibition in the UK has been conceived especially for Tate Britain.
- He always conceives his ehibitions especially for the venue and times (Zeitgeist, remember).
Aber auch Socken oder andere herumliegende Kleidungshüllen, bizarre stilllebenhafte Arrangements auf Tischen, Fensterbänken, in Wohnungsecken oder im Zugabteil reizen sein fotografisches Jagdfieber, dem er, wie es scheint, mit tiefer Lust, hoher Professionalität und herrlicher Leichtigkeit nachgibt.
- Fotografisches Jagdfieber, indeed!
- We have yet another Kertesz, Captain, but not as we know it!

William Yang is an important Australian photographer who is much loved and much exhibited. His territory is people - family, friends and acquaintances. His work often involves words, either written on the image or as part of a performance with William speaking and showing slides.

william yang at stills

Blood Links traces William Yang’s scattered family’s migration from China to Australia over a hundredyears ago. Defying conventional theater, Yang presents an intimate monologue with over 500 slide images that explores the ties which bind families.
Yang is unique in what he does. He’s the only person in Australia, possibly the world, using this exact combination of photographs, slides, music and speech. His one man shows have been overwhelmingly successful…” – The Australian

Is there such a thing as Australian Photography?
Yes and even their icon artwork is a photograph!
It is Max Dupain's Sunbaker. Their Nachtwacht; Mona Lisa: a photograph!

sydney opera at dusk
(No no not their pyramids: that's the Sydney Opera.)

Max Dupain. One of Australia's most celebrated modern photographers.
Often a photographer's popular reputation rests on just one or two images. Dupain's Sunbaker is arguably the most recognised image in Australian photography. However, reputations cannot be built on one work but are founded on the overall output of a lifetime.

Maarten Udema - On this site you will find strong and beautiful photography with a personal touch and vision; photography wich is looking for media to be interdependent with.
Available: Amazone rainforest France Maleisie South Africa Australia Galapagos Islands Marokko Spain Birma Greece Namibie Sri Lanka Bolivia Guatemala Netherlands Swaziland Canada Hong Kong New Zealand Tanzania Chili India Niger Thailand China Indonesie Norway Togo Colombia Israel Portugal Trans Siberie Express Costa Rica Italie/Rome Switserland Egypte Kenya Sahara.

Check out his use of light.

Bethany de Forest - her http://www.pinhole.nl/ is not a how-to site or is it?
- haar http://www.pinhole.nl/ is geen kreatief met kurk! Of toch?
I love it. For once don't forget to switch on sound!
- Bethany's pictures radiate a fairy-tale atmosphere. A close-up perspective causes an unusual reality to emerge. Because of this, lifeless materials come to life while living matter is taken out of its ordinary context and is transformed into an almost static still life.

WeeGee - "He will take his camera and ride off in search of new evidence that his city, even in her most drunken and disorderly and pathetic moments, is beautiful."
bio; photo and audio: -News photography teaches you to think fast-

Marcus Peters - huisdieren, schatjes (voor v/h vnu) ook leuke filmpjes.

same site: Jan Bogaerts fotografeerde Doe Maar vanaf het ontstaan in 1978 tot en met het afscheidsconcert in mei 1984. Het "Doe Maar Archief" bestaat uit ongeveer 500 beelden.

David Goldes - Goldes, who was trained as a molecular geneticist at Harvard, creates black-and-white photographs that recall textbook imagery, but his images focus on the mystery and beauty that initially attracted the artist to science.

same gallery: Lynn Bianchi - photographic grisailles.

and: Bert Teunissen's photographs merge the contemporary and the elegiac. His sparsely occupied yet atmospheric interiors, which recall works by Dutch masters Vermeer and Pieter de Hooch, search for signs of an authentic past in an ever-changing p
Paul Ketelaar - Every Day New Series. Nice interface. Nice pix. Impressive color.
- A selection of more than 200 photo’s from more than 30 countries.

David Culton - The Play of Light. Night over Kyoto; Nepal; the World! Soulful night photography.

More night photography: Troy Paiva - Lost America by night.
- Lost America, the desert west. Misunderstood, Misused. Desolation, isolation, failed hopes and dreams.
I've been known to hang in one isolated spot and sit and watch the stars crawl across the sky listening to the sage whisper for hours at a time. If you're easily bored and don't know what to do with yourself after 10 minutes, night shooting's not for you. Try shooting a football game or a car race.
A good how-to. And great pix.

Op de site van Himalayanconnection (haar bedrijfje): foto's van Renate Schwarz uit Nepal: kinderen; religie; landschappen. Mooie en soms zeer subtiele en gevoelige fotografie.
- Door vriendschappen en wederzijdse betrokkenheid is Nepal een onderdeel van Renate's leven geworden. Haar kennis en ervaringen wil zij graag delen met andere reizigers. Ze is ervan overtuigd dat Nepal voor velen een rijke bron van inspiratie kan zijn.

Ever visited the site of Magnum member Steve McCurry?
That opening shot of Angkor Wat in the rain! And Kyaiktyo, Burma, 1994.
And yes some of the famous faces are there too.

Remember what I wrote about:
Man Ray - the official site. Wich means: not many pictures, but a very decent biography?
If you have visited the site then, please revisit. The pictures are smallish, but there are:
1308 items dans la base de données répertoriés. Or in the english site: 1279 items in the database. (Which are left out? And why?)
Check <tous> in both <categorie> and <theme> and hit the go button.
Or on the english page: <all> in <category> and <theme>.

www.earlyphotography.nl -
Site filling up gradually with loads of 'old pictures' from all major
museums, archives and libraries in the Netherlands.
The idea is great. The pictures also, but: why had they have to build an overly designed, bad behaving site like that. HTTP-fout 404
404 Niet gevonden Het bestand of script dat u hebt aangevraagd, is niet gevonden op de webserver. Controleer of het pad in de URL juist is. Hey I just hit ENTER. So it does not run in Netscape. Only 15% of internauts still use it, ok that's to bad for them. But even in IE I get asked if I want to download <wwwopac.exe> while I merely pressed the <list> button.
Now who the * built this? Http://www.dimens.net, ok, let's check that out: The page cannot be displayed. Go figure!
Ah this is the consultant for the project: http://www.reekx.nl/index.htm. Now why again were there so many jokes on consultants ;-) 1 2 3 4 ! Still their customers form an intimidating list.

The only browser that allows you to visit the earlyphotography website is Opera. Wow 1,29% of all people use that! So that's how I know it is a real treasure trove of a site:

This national 'on line' catalogue contains art-historical information on the earliest photographs owned by the Rijksmuseum (Rijksprentenkabinet) in Amsterdam, the Print Room of the University of Leiden and 25 other museums, archives and libraries in the Netherlands. The catalogue encompasses more than 3,700 portraits, city views and landscapes from the pioneering period 1839 -1860. These photographs were taken in the Netherlands, France, England, Germany and the United States by both Dutch and foreign photographers. Famous images by photographers such as Eduard Isaac Asser, William Henry Fox Talbot, Anna Atkins, Edouard Baldus, Gustave Le Gray, Linnaeus Tripe, Hippolyte Bayard, Hill & Adamson, Nicolaas Henneman are found along with the earliest photographs of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Haarlem.

Sven Torfinn moved to Kenya recently. From here he covers the whole of Africa. Make sure you click on the African map on his site. He follows in the footsteps of Salgado, Eugene Smith and Rodger.

Peter van Beek - His Albania series is quite impressive. Good portraits too.

Jan van IJken - From 1997 to 2000 Jan van IJken worked on a photo project about religiosity in Eastern Europe.
Travelling through Poland, the Ukraine, Slovakia and Rumania, he was present at pilgrimages, religious festivals, liturgies and processions. Time and again he was touched by the people's absolute devotion - in very difficult situations sometimes - and by the purity and sincerity of their rituals.

Following a link in nl.foto, I visited: Mark Tucker. Great pictures. Those of you who saw the Jack Daniels 2002 Calendar know his work already.

Berlin Mitte - a photo essay by Ulrich Wüst - Cool site!
A good documentary on the changing Zitty.


Sometimes I encounter a lucky shot: Alexei (Alyosha) Efros

Heather McDonough, her other, beautiful, site: lost gloves.
McDonough's work is consistently concerned with 'series' - sequences placed within a specific context. The work is about memory, time, location, light, obsession, curiosity and the need to keep and collect.

Last week I saw her work in the Spitz gallery in Spitalfields Market.

Yes lots of fridge magnets!

Her work is that of the hoarder. I recognize that in the work of many photographers, including my own: collect them all! And indeed I bought some of her photo's on fridge magnets. Why is it not possible to order some from her site?

Farah Mahbub - beautiful poetic photography of Iran and Pakistan on the site of this teacher at the Indus Valley School of Art & Architecture.
This website is a virtual representation of my exhibition "THE HUES WITHIN", in Karachi, Pakistan. It, however, differs in that it is not a static collection; rather it is envisioned as an ongoing process in continual development, providing a platform for viewing and as a photographic resource.
The main body of work explores ALTERNATE PHOTOGRAPHY PROCESSES. Three amongst them are shown here: POLAROID IMAGE TRANSFERS, CYANOTYPE Process and the VAN DYKE Process. Other works include conventional Color and Black & White Photography. These images are from Iran and South Africa and a few from my home town Karachi, Pakistan.

Martin Parr at the Barbican: Martin Parr: Photographic Works 1971-2000, Barbican Art Gallery, London. IE only.

Photography is not allowed inside the Barbican, Sir!

Luckily the curator did not know this: a wonderful exhibition. His exam piece is there: a complete room! And the self-portraits! Some of his collections etc etc.
More Parr at his website.

Students of
Farah Mahbub at the the Indus Valley School of Art & Architecture.
- In January 1997 I started to teach at the Indus Valley School Of Art and Architecture and to this day I have had no regrets in making that decision.
In the last five years I have had a wonderful & a diverse bunch of young ladies and gents. Who not only impressed me with there potential in learning and expressing them self's with photography, but also in reviving the lost art of black and white photography in Karachi - Pakistan - IE only.

Krystyna Ziach een mooie pan van een mooie expositie. meer,

Alweer een van de hele groten overleden:
Inge Morath died feb 2.

Remember the Lama on Time Sq? Or Saul Steinberg with the paper bag masks? Or Monroe or Miller or Cocteau?

Inge Morath, born 1923 in Graz, Austria, studied in Germany and France.
She worked as translator and writer in Europe, became assistant to Henri Cartier Bresson after joining the photographic co-operative Magnum by invitation of Robert Capa in 1953. From 1954 on she worked independently as a member of Magnum.
She was married to Arthur Miller (who was formerly married to Marilyn Monroe).

In 1961, Magnum sent Morath to the location of the Huston film, "The
Misfits." Written by Miller, the movie starred Clark Gable, Montgomery Clift
and Monroe.
Her famous shot of Monroe caught the actress reciting lines to herself when she
thought no one was looking. Of all the famous shots of the 1950s icon, many
seem exploitative, but Morath's focus is elsewhere. "I liked her," Morath said.
"I liked that kind of dreamy quality she sometimes had."

Morath, who lived in New York and Roxbury, Conn., is survived by her
husband, their daughter and a grandson.

Le Monde ; Liberation ; Sun ; book ; book ; book ; tv ; video ; exhibition ; cards ; portret ; portret

En een tentoonstelling in de Beurs van Berlage als ze daar de rommel opgeruimd hebben ;-)
Van 15 februari tot en met 1 september 2002 - Iedere dag geopend, behalve maandag
Tussen 11.00 en 17.00 uur
Magna Brava - Een fototentoonstelling van de 5 vrouwelijke fotojournalisten van het persbureau Magnum Photos. De foto’s zetten de mens over de hele wereld in het middelpunt. Een bedreigde Gaelic-sprekende gemeenschap op Tory eiland, intieme portretten van het allerdaagse leven in China, illegale imigranten aan de grens van Mexico en de VS, New York, India, Tibet en Pakistan.
Eve Arnold; Martine Frack;Susan Meiselas ;
Inge Morath; Marilyn Silverstone.

Ernesto Timor - Trompe-la-mort, le site d'Ernesto Timor.

Juan Buhler - simple street photography. With a good primer on how to go about photographing people on the streets. (Seen Antz? Shrek? - check out his about.)

Lewis Carroll - Matt Blaschko. A great fansite to Charles L. Dodgson. Alice? Yes through the looking glass! (Not a very fast server and my Netscape was thrown out.)

Man Ray - the official site. Wich means: not many pictures, but a very decent biography.

Carl Uytterhaegen - Teacher at the Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten in Gent
and the Hoger St. Lucas Instituut in Brussel. (And teacher of Carl de Keyzer)
De beelden van Uytterhaegen zingen en verkopen geen theorie of absolute geest, nemen het leven zoals het voorbijtrekt. Recent verscheen van zijn hand De Bijsluiter. Over de geschiedenis van de documentaire fotografie, fotojournalistiek en oorlogsfotografie. Also: lots of beautiful cemeteries.

Leo Erken - Dealing with Russia.
Since 1991 Leo Erken has been working on a series
about developments in the former Soviet Union. He has made more than 30 trips to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbeijan, Georgia, Chechnya and other parts of the former empire.


Paul Strand - Tir A'Mhurain - an exhibition at NMPFT . Remember that picture of the horses at the seashore in that beautiful book of the Hebrides? Right that book, published in 1962 as Tir a'Mhurain - Outer Hebrides, combining Strand's photographs with a written account of the islands by the cultural historian Basil Davidson. Here are the (vintage) prints.

Frank Horvat - Horvatland! More than 50 years of photography.
I came to Paris for the first time in the summer of 1951. During that stay I met Henri Cartier-Bresson, who advised me to switch from the Rollei to the Leica ("you don't carry your eyes on your belly" )
Check out his diary of 1999 , the shockwave version. His slide show beats any tv program. The html version is here.

Adam Gibbs - I would love to tell you that photography was my calling well before I was conceived and that I picked up a camera before I could walk. However, my humble beginnings weren't quite so idealistic. I more or less took up photography serendipitously, after glancing through a book on nature photography and wondering why my pictures didn't look that great.

Robert van Koesveld - Australia, Vietnam, great landscapes.
Dana Lixenberg - portretten: L.Cohen; S.Penn; in de kunsthal; nrc;

Seydou Keita - African photographer from Mali, Seydou Keïta, now in his 70s. Story ; Pattern;
Albert Watson - one of my all-time heroes (not only because he built his own house). The Lost Diary. At PDN; in Noorderlicht

Hans Neleman - ooit uit Rotterdam vertrokken. Now famous in New York. In PDN
Since 1991 Neleman's work has been exhibited internationally including shows at the Museum of Visual Arts, Art Projects International, the Holland Festival and the Biennale de Lyon. Recently his photographs have been acquired by the Musee Art Contemporain Lyon, France and Stiftung Museum Kunst Palast, Germany.

Tina Modotti - Photographer and Revolutionary (and girlfriend of Edward Weston)

In PDN the 20 most influential photographers - no pictures by them but portraits of.

Inez van Lamsweerde at pdn; at airdeparis; at MCA ; ZKM; Cosmoworlds.
Google produced 2140 hits.

Carla van de Puttelaar The photography of Carla van de Puttelaar (1967) is as intimate as it
is distant. In both her portraits and her nudes, close-ups and a play with focus are noticeable. This enables her to accent the details she deems most important. Bij: galeries.nl

Dutch artist Rineke Dijkstra has gained international acclaim for her penetrating photographic portraits of adolescents, teenagers, and young adults that combine formal classicism with brooding psychological intensity. Her Beachseries, begun in the Netherlands in 1992, captures the quiet vulnerability and youthful innocence of 18 adolescent boys and girls from Belgium, Croatia, England, the Netherlands, Poland, the Ukraine, and the United States. Each subject is photographed on the beach in full figure in his or her bathing suit with only the uninterrupted horizon of sea and sky as background. Unlike a conventional portraitist who seeks an idealized representation, Dijkstra teases out a naturalistic, uncomposed demeanor from her subjects.
Google produced 1330 hits on "Rineke Dijkstra"
Moma ; Stedelijk; Charlottenborg; Tate; V&A ; Citibank; Artnet; LOKV1 en 2; Blindspot; Book.
See under MUSEUM also.

Carmelo Bongiorno En photographie, on pourrait imaginer que les règles de base sont la qualité de la lumière et la netteté du sujet photographié.
En écartant ces principes, Carmelo Bongiorno a tenté de trouver sa propre expression, sans renier ce qui fait l'écriture même de la photographie

Hoyka with an unabashed and unshaken ambition has created his own personal speculative and pictorial world.
Say that again. (IExplorer only)
Thomas Schlijper - young master Thomas; follow the development of his photography on his very good site (made by Artic). Lots of pictures from the anarcho-green movement from which background he obviously stems. He updates on a daily basis.
Sean Kernan - I'm an artist who got lost on his way to work.

I make photographs for the world of business-advertising, annual reports, that sort of thing.
But the art and the commerce fight, and the fight takes place in me.
He wrote this in '96, but I don't think that has changed. A site about photography and seeing. Some nice articles too.

Susan Meiselas is an award winning documentary photographer best known for her work in Central America. Meiselas received the Robert Capa Gold Medal for "outstanding courage and reporting" for her coverage of the insurrection in Nicaragua.
Meiselas is a member of Magnum photos and lives in New York City.
But these are not her pictures; this is her enormous project on Kurdistan: Aka Kurdistan.
The site creates a living archive from scattered fragments, pulling together never-before exhibited photographs from private collectors, family collections, and national archives. Juxtaposing unforgettable images with text from diaries, newspaper stories, memoirs, and
telegrams, Kurdistan: In the Shadow of History lets history speak for itself through the words of freedom fighters and farmers, missionaries and spies, diplomats and princes. In bringing together these dispersed pieces, Susan Meiselas gives form to a collective memory, while showing how history itself is created from differing perspectives.
(Be careful this is the real concerned photography.)

Leo Divendal - herinnert iemand zich nog de mooiste fototentoonstelling ooit in Amsterdam: De Vierde Wand? De maker, Leo Divendal heeft weer een interessant project: De Plaatsvervangster. Samen met een aantal andere fotografen en musici etc vult hij 6 avonden. De site geeft de foto's met moeite prijs.
Iets te eigenzinnige vormgeving voor het geduld van de meeste surfers, ben ik bang. Dit is de schuldige: het gelaat.
Leo Rubinfien - again 1 picture only from the magazine Blind Spot. Not the best scan I hope. It is not of the quality of the 'Map of the East' which is one of my favourite books.
Jorge Molder - 1 picture only from an exhibition at the Centre National de la Photographie in Paris. I have a small Gulbenkian catalogue of his work from the seventies. I really liked this very poetic work. He's from Portugal and maybe that's why most of his work is so dream-like.
Philippe Halsman - 5 photo's from an exhibition at the Patrimoine Photographique in the Hotel de Sully in Paris, until jan 6th. Hmm maybe worth a visit! (I recently bought The Jump Book - the newer edition of course.) Same place: portraits by Hans Namuth.
Hannes Walrafen - staged photography. More poetic than most of it.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote about the Macondo series:
I did not find any images equivalent to those which in some sense underpin my novels, and yet the poetic quality was the same. Later on, giving it more thought, Ifelt Ihad discovered that Hannes and I, each in his own way, had submitted the Caribbean coast of Colombia to the same set of poetic transpositions. It's not the direct reproduction of reality but the alchemy of fictional vision that, God willing, will end up someday being more real than reality itself. Manipulation? Of course, precisely what the alchemy of artistic creation has been and always will be.

L.J.A.D. Creyghton - Look at his Lyson prints! The studio of Clemente!
Ed van der Elsken - hij zou het internet fantaaaaaastisch hebben gevonden.
Ed van der Elsken was one of the great documentary photographers of the Fifties, Sixties and Seventies, and this first British solo survey gives the opportunity to understand his pivotal position between street photographers such as Weegee and Brassai, and the emotive, ultra-subjectivist photography of Nan Goldin and Larry Clark, that came after him. An unrestrainedly energetic chronicler of his times, van der Elsken's passion for life translates into a rapacious and subjective photography, and a restless experimentation across the media of film and still photography.
- Yes we all miss him.

Koen Wessing was born on 26 January 1942, the son of the interior designer Han Wessing and the fashion illustrator end sculptress Eva Eisenloeffel.
By all accounts, it would seem that Wessing's decision totake up photography was an impulsive one. According to interviews, Wessing met the photographers Ed van der Elsken and Ata Kando around 1957. He was fascinated by the bohemian life they led with Ata's three children, the journeys they made hitch-hiking and the romanticism of the profession. And so he resolved to become a photographer so that he could lead the same kind of life.

Frans Lanting - I will admit it: I'm a fan.

More apes and other animals:
Daniel Lee
The astonishing images of Daniel Lee derive from the artists' distillation of Buddhist mythologies in which animal spirits transform the human countenance. Beyond the immediate shock of horror and amazement in confronting the visages is the sensible revelation that always lurks beneath the conventional interactions with those we know; that of human continuity with every living substance. The artist has deflected computer science to the realm of the esthetic, aloof from current conventions reaching to the farthest selvages of exploration and discovery.
In 1995 I saw his Manimals in the Galerie du Chateau d'Eau, Toulouse, France, and I still don"t know what to think of it. He is a master. But is he a photographer? (I know he takes his own pictures.)

Robert van den Berge worked as an advertising photographer for international clients. His specialisation was food & still life. After seven years he put his cameras aside and became a Buddhist monk.(-) Confronted with the Tibetan situation he started photographing the misery surrounding him. Gave back his vows after two and a half years and started free-lancing in New-Delhi for clients as AFP, Time magazine, The Daily Telegraph Magazine and the French daily Liberation and he currently works for various press-agencies including ANP, Corbis/Sygma and a regional daily. Trips are planned to India and Nepal for futher social documentaries. A part of his work is represented by SYGMA in Paris.
Rob Huibers - I didn''t know he had been in Afghanistan. (it was in '92). In some of his pictures it is noticeable that he is a tall guy: I need a ladder for those shots. Great photography.

Carl de Keyzer - Vast site. Don't miss his commercial work. Cheap: his books with print.
Sebastião Salgado - Workers Migrations Children Mega-cities. He adresses real problems of the real world in great photography. One of my all time heroes.

Cartier Bresson
David Seymour
Minor White

Joyce Tenneson - beautiful site. (Recent) work - interview - books - prints.

The Pirelli Calendars - all of them. All in Italian. The masters: Giacobetti; Sarah Moon; Arthur Elgort; Peter Lindbergh; Uwe Sommer; Avedon; Joyce Tenneson; Herb Ritts, Weber; Leibovitz etc.

Bettie Page-page - Born: April 22, 1923 in Nashville, Tennessee.
With locks as dark as midnight and a smile as bright as day, Bettie Page was much more than a beautiful pin-up model, she was simply the best. A legend as much today as during her modeling days, every facet of Bettie’s life and personality captures the interest and devotion of the thousands of fans that followed her career until the day of her mysterious disappearance. Some photos depict nudity.
Lots and lots of pictures. BUT NO CREDITS. Bunny Yeager of course is one of the photographers, but there must have been numerous others.

Ctein - Ctein = dye transfer of course, and the author of "Post Exposure", but at times he is a good photographer (too):
I'm considered to be one of the very best color printers alive today and one of a scant handful of artists still making dye transfer prints.
Along with being a fine printer, I think I'm also a damn fine artist. That's not solely my opinion; the editor of PHOTO Techniques magazine wrote: "... Ctein may well be one of America's most accomplished unknown photographers."

Mary Ellen Mark - Good pictures get to the point. It's great pictures that don't. Sometimes they have no point to get to. They don't try to simplify matters but to complicate them, to add nuance upon nuance and keep all judgments suspended. In the Mary Ellen Mark show that opened this month at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, there are dozens of good pictures. There are some great pictures too.
Don't miss the celebrities gallery.

Len Bernstein - Like so many others, I love candid photography. It is an adventure to walk down the street not knowing just what I'll encounter or the emotions I'll have. But what candid photographer hasn't had the experience of someone objecting to his or her picture being taken? People may be suspicious of our motive. They are concerned about not being shown in a true light. As a matter of fact, if we want to be honest with ourselves as photographers, we'll ask, "As I try to capture people in a candid, unposed moment, do I hope to find meaning in them, or to make them look foolish and weak?"

Marco Okhuizen - good allround dutch news photographer

Ezra Stoller Gallery Page. Ezra Stoller began photographing modern architecture in the late 1930s. During the middle decades of the 20th century, Stoller produced iconic images of many new American buildings, photographs which had great influence on how building design and aspirations for the future were viewed in the post-war era.

Luke Powell - Color photographs from Afghanistan (1974-2000), Iran, Ladakh, Ceylon, Palestine, and Egypt are mounted here with text material, a technical photography section, and a list of print exhibitions. These photographic essays were not so much intended to be works of journalism as of art, a continuation of the Western artistic tradition called "orientalism."

Anton Corbijn - nice site (not behaving very well). His photography is great.

Tokihiro Sato - In praise of mad shadows. In 'Photo-Respiration', Sato manipulates light to create patterns of shadows in large black-and-white photographs. Although contemporary Japanese architects such Tadao Ando capture light to create interesting shadows, Sato is the only photographer who explores the possibilities of light and shadow in his work. In doing so, he bucks the trend towards colourful narrative pop images that started with Nobuyoshi Araki and Yasumasa Morimura in the 1980s.

Ansel Adams Gallery - Prints (originals up to $35.000 reprints for $150) The gallery also represents other famous photographers like Imogen Cunningham.

erwin olaf

David Wogan - total imaging. Indeed.

Dan Wexler - Another one that worked on Shrek and Antz. The great outdoors and the small outdoors too ;-). He made the bokeh simulator.
High Art - Film.
Tagline: a story of ambition, sacrifice, seduction and other career moves.
NRC: Een studie 'kritische theorie', met veel Lacan en Foucault, vormt een zeer onvolkomen voorbereiding op het leven.
Misschien nog ergens op video?
Pinhole in Indonesia - My Life in Indonesia - Geert van Asbeck,
Ivon Kemper.
We only get to see the making of the pinhole camera's. Sadly not the pictures made wit
h them. Still interesting: following a program that is not new in itself, children of different background get a disposable camera and record their lives and surroundings. Children of dutch expats and children living on the rubbish dumps of Djakarta. Only the pinhole is really new, afaik. It is also a book and an exhibition.
(pas op: echte concerned photography!)
Steve Gottlieb - Americon Icons and other books and pictures. He's a good photographer of architecture. Few of this on his site.

Bob Karhof - Multiple pinhole panorama's. This description makes one curious. I like the results a lot. His new website shows his technique applied to his commercial assignments and an obvious turn to the digital montage technique with photoshop. It doesn't take off.
André Baumunk - Student des Kommunikationsdesigns an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig - Panorama; pinhole; DIY!

Chantal Hovens bij Jonge Fotografen, jonge vrijetijdsfotografen tot ongeveer 35 jaar die lid zijn van de Fotobond.

Benedikt Hotze - Im August 1999 erhielt ich die Gelegenheit, im Auftrag der Bauwelt das Gebiet der Via Ostiense in Rom zu fotografieren. Diese alte Ausfallstraße führt vom antiken Stadtzentrum über verlassene Industiequartiere und über das Gelände der städtebaulichen Weltausstellung 1942 (heute EUR) bis nach Ostia Lido, den in den 30er Jahren angelegten Badeort am Mittelmeer.

Atmospheric Optics - Les Cowley. Light playing on water drops, dust or ice crystals in the atmosphere produces a host of visual spectacles - rainbows, halos, glories, coronas and many more. Some can be seen almost every day or so, some are once in a lifetime sights. Find out where to see them and how they form. Then search for and enjoy them outdoors. Check ou the halo simulation program

Stereoviews were like televisions for the 19th century. People would relax in their parlor and be transported around the country and around the world with a box full of stereos and a hand-held or tabletop viewer. Enjoying stereoviews was a great family activity shared by all ages especially on a snowy night. I hope you and your family enjoy being transported back in history! Here are some of my favorite SNOW views.
[ I had to set my screen to 1600x1200 to be able to view the stereo pairs in 3d in free view mode.]

more [real] photo weblog / diaries:

KunstLog / fotografie department
Rood Petje van Bas de Meijer


Noah Grey (Grey Matter)
Photodude Reid Stott
D'log - work is a four-letter word.

Goos Bronkhorst

Henze Boekhout

Renate Schwarz

Lex van Rossen

Jeroen Musch

Tom Hunter

Jan Voster

photo e-zines

Zooworld - zoo world is the new home of zoo quarterly, the ground-breaking zoo wires (previously the creativebase newswires) and all of the creative services that were previously part of creativebase.com. zoo world's philosophy is that creative disciplines -advertising, art, architecture, design, graphics, moving image, new media, photography, and production - do not exist independently of each other. Each discipline inspires, influences and interacts with all the others, regardless of national or traditional disciplinary boundaries. Therefore it also made sense for zoo and creativebase products to share the same name
Rrrrightttt... but they do host the Nikon Webfolio's with lots of wellknown photographers like Fred Hoogervorst;
Menno Boermans; Edoardo Agresti.

Jet City Orange weekly on the arts - Jerry Whiting
Terra.es Arte Fotografica - Spanish E-zine with great (though a little smallish) photography. Winogrand; Mapplethorpe; Avedon.
De Nieuwe Lelie / The New Lily 12
- with a great picture story by Russia specialist Leo Erken.
FocalPoint f/8 - A design and production group for the development of photographic, interactive, digital and democratic journalism on the World Wide Web.
This site doesn't seem to be alive anymore. Still, the archives are worth visiting.
The Luminous Landscape - Michael H. Reichmann. The web's most comprehensive site devoted to the art of landscape, nature and documentary photography using traditional as well as digital image processing techniques. You will find on these pages a gallery of outstanding images as well as instructive feature articles, travel and technical discussions, product reviews and a Discussion Forum. More than 1000 pages.

Women Speak - mailinglist and gallery

Photo District News is eh... well photo district news. Duh. A favourite of mine in dead tree edition, it is even better online.

ReVue Photography - We are updating the English version of our site.
While waiting you can visit the French section. ;-)
I came here looking for Shoji Ueda (one of my heroes) and found some beautiful images (though not of Ueda; this was only a bookcover).
Zonezero - Zonezero on first sight is a general photo magazine.
But: it has very good articles and photo-essays. Don't miss the portfolio's
Foto8 - Foto8 was established almost three years ago as an online magazine featuring quality photojournalism. O
ver the years we have become known for our award winning documentary photography presented in an exciting online format. From classical photo-stories to contemporary multi-media shows we have aimed to stimulate and innovate. Stories maybe the product of a paid assignment or be part of a personal project, self-funded by the photographer.

- een fotografenlog
great photographers I met along the way

photo gallery&museum


Stills Gallery - Sydney. Nice space! Great photography.

Australian Centre for Photography - it is the ACP's mission to promote and enrich the understanding of photo-based art in Australia and this is achieved through a dynamic mix of exhibition, education and publication. In its blend of activities and range of photographic media, the Centre is unique in Australia. Paddington, Sydney.

Gallery 24 is now Yossi Milo - Bert Teunissen, Jan van Leeuwen, Lynn Bianchi etc

Aperture - 50 years the Art and Power of Photography.
their (traveling) exhibitions and publications are well worth a visit from time to time.

Martin Parr at the Barbican

Photography is not allowed inside the Barbican, Sir!
Luckily the curator did not know this: a wonderful exhibition. His exam piece is there: a complete room!
More Parr at his website.

Seeing Things - The Canon photo gallery in the V&A. There still is such a thing: a Canon Photo Gallery!

starts Thu, 21 February 2002 ends Sun, 18 August 2002
'Seeing Things' explores the art of photographing objects, from classic still life to dazzling renditions made in today's digital age. The exhibition draws inspiration from objects in the home, the studio and the street, and is in six sections, ranging from early photographic works to key contemporary images.

Including the chair from the portrait of Christine Keeler. (Christine who? Profumo? Huh?)

Ok: also Joe Orton and Dame Edna, to name a few, were portrayed on this chair.)

The Photographers' Gallery, the first independent gallery in Britain devoted to photography, was founded in 1971 at No 8 Great Newport Street. This building now houses the Gallery's primary exhibition space and a bookshop. In 1980 the Gallery also moved into No 5 Great Newport Street, initially rented, the freehold was purchased in 1986 thanks to a successful funding campaign.

The Gallery has developed a reputation as this country's primary venue for comtemporary photography.
And as a place with good coffee and snacks ;-)

Neue Galerie Linz - Ausgehend von Landschaften und Porträts des 19. Jahrhunderts (Julia Margaret Cameron, Felix Beato, Wilhelm Burger, Nadar, Lewis Carroll, Pascal Sébah) wird die Avantgarde der 20er und 30er Jahre u.a. mit Bildbeispielen von Karl Blossfeldt, Walter Peterhans, Herbert Bayer, André Kértesz und Alexander Rodtschenko gezeigt.

Bedeutende österreichische Photographen der Zeit nach 1945 wie Inge Morath, Erich Lessing, Franz Hubmann, Leo Kandl oder Heinz Cibulka stehen Mario Giacomelli, Dieter Appelt, Candida Höfer, Bernhard Prinz oder der zuletzt viel beachteten Photographin und Videokünstlerin Shirin Neshat gegenüber.
NMPFT - the National Museum of Photography, Film & Television quickly became the most visited national museum outside London, attracting approximately 750,000 visitors each year.
The Getty Museum -LA. Photography collection.
Museet for Fotokunst Brandts Klædefabrik Odense Danmark
Centre National de la Photographie in Paris
Galerie du Chateau d'Eau, Toulouse, France. En 1822, Nicéphore NIEPCE débute ses expériences qui allaient l’amener à l’invention de la photographie. De la même année date la construction du Château d'Eau. Il restera en fonction jusqu'en 1870.
Two entries for the dutch audience only ;-) There are no pictures anyway:

Voorlopig ook geen plaatjes: Het Frans Hals Museum - gaat zicht evenals het Fries museum en het Haags Gemeentemuseum en nog een paar fotomusea eindelijk richten op fotografie. En wel op concerned photography. Salgado? Nachtwey? Meiselas? Vroege Diepraam? Nee: Dijkstra en Van Baalen. Als ook Serrano en Wall nog komen is het circus weer compleet en het aankoopbudget van f 100.000 (van een totaal van 1.500.000?) in een klap op.
Misschien komen de plaatjes nog.
Rineke Dijkstra (1959) Vleeshal, 15 december 2001 t/m 3 februari 2002
Rineke Dijkstra's portretten van jongeren geven een beeld van existentiële onzekerheid en van de worsteling om vorm te geven aan een eigen identiteit. Dijkstra slaagt er iedere keer in de juiste balans te vinden tussen geposeerdheid en ontwapenende openhartigheid. Haar foto's zijn niet bijzonder spectaculair en ze missen iedere opsmuk, maar zijn toch zeer indringend en voor iedereen herkenbaar. Zoals ze zelf zegt: 'Ik probeer te bereiken dat je als kijker in de huid van iemand anders kunt kruipen. Ik zoek altijd onderwerpen die iets universeels in zich hebben, bepaalde ervaringen die iedereen wel kent'.
Terzijde: de foto's van Dijkstra zijn bij vlagen natuurlijk geniaal. De moeders; de stierenvechters; het poolse Botticelli-meisje. Allemaal de omweg waard.

FOAM - FOAM; ok de naam staat misschien, maar de website nog niet: Aan deze website wordt gewerkt. This website is under construction. Voorlopig geen plaatjes.
Wat is FOAM? Het nieuwe FOtografiemuseum AMsterdam. Temidden van alle nieuwe fotografieverzamelende musea is dit natuurlijk het echte fotografiemuseum. Helaas hebben ze geen geld om te verzamelen.
Foam...foam...het is vast van dezelfde die YORIN heeft bedacht.
Musée Arthur BATUT. Inauguré en 1998, pour le Centenaire de la première photographie par cerf-volant cet espace consacré à Arthur BATUT présente les collections photographiques préservées par sa famille.
Batut is in my hall of fame with Niepce.
Nicéphore Niépce's house - Pierre-Yves Mahé and Jean-Louis Marignier's research demonstrate how the window (through which the world's first photograph was taken) has been shifted from its original position. Drawn from the inventor's correspondence and manuscripts, this research allows us to see how the first picture realized by Niépce looked.
Maison Européenne de la Photographie, situated in the historic heart of Paris, is a major centre for contemporary photographic art. A completely new kind of cultural establishment, it houses an exhibition centre, a large library, a video viewing facility with a wide selection of films by or about photographers, and an auditorium. It is designed to make the three fundamental photographic media - exhibition prints, the printed page, and film - easily accessible to all.
And so they have: they have a great collection of tapes and books.
[But their site comes to a halt somewhere in 2000; what happened?]
Huis Marseille - A privately funded museum in Amsterdam.
The collection of Huis Marseille is still very young. It consists of over sixty photographs spanning the entire twentieth century. At the moment the last decade of the century is most strongly represented. The emphasis is on contemporary works by photographers who are mostly to be found among the visual artists.
[mostly unreadable in Netscape]

- een fotografenlog
great photographers I met along the way

on photography
Echte Knokkers - Cor Jaring, Frits Gerritsen, Boudewijn Neuteboom, Paul Huf, Bert Sprenkelink, Eddy Postuma de Boer - gesprek tijdens Naarden 2001.

Carla Williams - This site functions as a (growing) archive of past images as well as past and current writings. This site also includes an extensive, annotated research library related to black artists and images of black women, plus extensive links to other sites related to black artists (especially women artists), gay and lesbian artists, and related photography and art sites.
(new book: The Black Female Body: A Photographic History)

- een fotografenlog
great photographers I met along the way


Warning & Request. Things change - prices go up, schedules change, good places go bad and bad places go bankrupt - nothing stays the same. So if you find things better or worse, recently opened or long since closed, please write and tell me and help make the next edition better. Now where did I hear that before? It's the Lonely Planets motto. I know it by heart: I live by the lp when I'm on the road.

- I do welcome your suggestions, but I do not publish all your recommendations here, as these are my recommendations ;-)