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wim wiskerke vorm en foto

available light

moonlight over Bagan
a starting guide to long exposure situations

subject 50 iso 100 iso 200 iso 400 iso 800 iso 1600 iso
well lit highway 1/8 - 2.8 1/15 - 2.8 1/60 - 2.8 1/125 - 2.8 1/250 - 2.8 1/500 - 2.8
highway with light trails 1min - 11-16 30s - 11-16 15s - 11-16 10s - 16-22 10s - 22 5s - 22
well lit shopping area (outdoors) 1/4-1/15 - 2.8 1/8-1/30 - 2.8 1/15-1/60 - 2.8 1/15-1/60 - 4 1/15-1/60 - 5.6 1/15-1/60 - 8
building lit by floodlights 1s - 2.8 1s - 4 1s - 5.6 1s - 8 1s - 11 1/2 -11
industry (oil refinery; steel plant) 4s - 2.8 2s - 2.8 1s - 2.8 1/2 - 2.8 1/2 - 4 1/2 - 5.6
neon sign 1/8 - 4 1/4 - 4 1/4 - 5.6 1/4 - 8 1/4 - 11 1/8 - 11
building on fire 1/15 - 2.8 1/30 - 2.8 1/60 - 2.8 1/60 - 4 1/60 - 5.6 1/125 - 5.6
camp fire with people 1s - 2.8 1/2 - 2.8 1/4 - 2.8 1/8 - 2.8 1/15 - 2.8 1/30 - 2.8
lightning at night B - 4 B - 5.6 B - 8 B - 11 B - 16 B - 22
fireworks 2-10s - 4 2-10s - 5.6 2-10s - 8 1-4s - 8 1/2-2s - 8 1/4-1s - 8
skyline with fireworks B - 4 B - 5.6 B - 8 B - 11 B - 16 B - 22
skyline with citylights 2-15s - 2.8 1-10s - 2.8 1-4s - 2.8 1/2-2s - 2.8 1/8-1s - 2.8 1/15-1/2 - 2.8
skyline just after sunset 1/15 - 2.8 1/30 - 2.8 1/30 - 4 1/30 - 5.6 1/30 - 8 1/60 - 8
monitor and tv 1/8 - 2.8 1/8 - 4 1/8 - 5.6 1/8 - 8 1/8 - 11 1/15 - 11
landscape under moonlight 2-3min - 2.8 50s - 2.8 25s - 2.8 12s - 2.8 6s - 2.8 3s - 2.8
snow covered landscape under moonlight 1min-50s - 2.8 25s - 2.8 12s - 2.8 6s - 2.8 3s - 2.8 1.5s - 2.8

The given settings are a starting point. Use bracketing around these values to obtain best results.
Reciprocity factor of a film can lead to longer exposures at low light levels.
Check film fact sheet for actual correction factors.
Bracket at one stop intervals for negatives or half stops for slide film:
A stop more means doubling the shutter speed or opening up the aperture one stop.
A stop less means halving the shutter speed or closing the aperture one stop.

aperture in full stops

shutter speed in full stops.